Introducing Laravel Task Runner: Write scripts like Blade Components and run them anywhere

After all the Splade announcements and developments of the past months, today marks the release of a new Laravel package! The latest and greatest version 10 of the Laravel framework comes with a brand new Process API - a wrapper around the famous Symfony component, which simplifies the execution of external processes:

$directoryContents = Process::run('ls -la')->output();

While the Laravel ecosystem has a package called Envoy that makes it easy to use the Blade template engine to define and run tasks, Laravel Task Runner takes a different approach. This new package allows you to write tasks as if they were Blade Components, providing a dedicated class and template view. It is built on top of the new Process API, enabling you to run tasks directly from your code without installing a separate binary like Envoy. Plus, it supports running tasks locally and on remote servers through an SSH connection.

Let's take a look at a simplified deploy script. With the new package, you can create a task with the Artisan CLI:

php artisan make:task DeployApp

This command generates a DeployApp.php class in the app/Tasks directory and a deploy-app.blade.php template file in the resources/views/tasks directory. Just like Blade components, public properties and methods are accessible in the template. For instance, you can make the repository branch and migration options variable:

use ProtoneMedia\LaravelTaskRunner\Task;
class DeployApp extends Task
public function __construct(public string $branch) { }
public function databaseConnection()
return 'mysql';

And then use them in the template:

cd /var/www/html
git pull origin {{ $branch }}
php artisan migrate --database={{ $databaseConnection() }}

Tasks can easily be dispatched:


If you want to pass constructor parameters, you may use the static make() method:


In addition to running tasks locally, you can also dispatch them on a remote server and run them in the background. You can configure one or more remote connections in the config file.


Just like Laravel’s Process implementation, you can easily fake tasks and make assertions in your test suite:


Here's another example of faking task output:

ComposerGlobalUpdate::class => 'Updating dependencies'
TaskRunner::assertDispatched(ComposerGlobalUpdate::class, function (PendingTask $task) {
return $task->shouldRunInBackground()
&& $task->shouldRunOnConnection('production');

The package is fully open-source and available at Github, where you'll also find the full documentation.