Learn what's new in Laravel 8.0

The next version of the Laravel framework, version 8.0, is planned for September 8th. It's packed with new features and improvements! As we're getting close to the release, it becomes clearer which PRs got merged. Some of the new stuff will be unveiled later on, probably at Laracon in late August. I've compiled a list of notable changes. I'll update it when more info is available.

  • Ability to tests views and Blade components in isolation (#31378 and #32601)
  • Collection, Arr and Macroable classes get their own package (#32478, #32481, #32510 and #33108)
  • Schema Dump command (#32275)
  • Eloquent Model directory support (#33390)
  • Improved maintenance mode (templates, allow list, redirects and status code, #33560)
  • No longer restart built-in webserver if you update .env (tweet)
  • Improvemens to Blade components, properly inherit parent attributes (#32576)
  • Improvements to the dispatchNow method (#32559)
  • Seed the database after refreshing (#32485)
  • Allow custom password reset links through a callback (#33438)
  • Improvements to rate limiting (#32726)
  • Cache routes with closures (tweet)
  • Support for raw HTML in Blade Components (#33365)
  • Improvements to the naming of queue configs (#32728 and #32809)
  • Support for closures in the Eloquent with method (#32924)
  • Removal of the $dates property on Eloquent models (#32856 - reverted)
  • Support for Job batching (blog post, #32830, #33173, #32974 and #32967)
  • Support for calling firstOrNew / firstOrCreate without parameters (#33334)
  • Queued closure listeners (#33463)
  • Handle queued closure job failures (tweet)

Update September 7, 2020

  • Laravel Jetstream (repo) and Laravel Fortify (repo): login, registration, email verification, two-factor authentication, profile photo, account deletion, session management, API support via Laravel Sanctum, and optional team management.
  • Model Factories (docs)
  • Brand new Laravel Installer with support for Jetstream (tweet)
  • Added startingValue method to the Schema Builder (tweet)
  • Default Tailwind CSS paginator (commit)
  • Time travel support for tests (commit)
  • Removed default namespace for routes (commit) and added default Rate Limiting for API group (commit)
  • Support for creating a foreign ID column for a model (#34145)
  • MissingAppKeyException when the application encryption key is missing (#34114)
  • Support for relative links in the Filesystem class (#33882)
  • Configurable autoscaling rate for Laravel Horizon (#874)